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I'm an artist. Click here to visit my gallery. It’s easy. Just click image painting “Mouses's Fruit Snack” (left) on my artist. There are many facts about histories of art.
Kids love to paint and crafts crotchets everything on anything
and so do we!
Beyond the art galleries, Micheals Store has more creatives of arts. Click the sloth (center) image to go on Micheals' franchises fun art supplies.

Human beings communicate with words. When we see something we don't understand, we ask questions or read about it; we gather and process written and verbal information. That's how we form opinions, make decisions, and take action... with words.
Art happens to be one of the things that people don't understand the most. It's also one of the things they want to understand the most. I have rarely met anyone who doesn't like art, but I've met legions of people over the years who need help understanding it. It's your job to help them and the easiest way to do that is with writing... with words.
Back in the good old days before the Internet, art writing wasn't all that important. This was primarily due to the fact that the art world was a lot smaller, a lot more local or regional for the most part, there weren't that many artists, and pretty much everyone who was interested in art was already reasonably fluent and informed about it. These days the art world is a very different place, so different in fact that the potential marketplace is basically global for both artists and art buyers alike.
The Internet has completely changed the way that art has to be presented, because now the audience is no longer confined to a limited geographical area or to a select group of people, but rather to everyone everywhere regardless of how little or how much they know about art. Anyone who has even the mildest interest in art now has an opportunity to search the world for whatever art and whichever artists attract and fascinate them the most.