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I'm an artist. Click here to visit my gallery. It’s easy. Just click image painting “Mouses's Fruit Snack” (left) on my artist. There are many facts about histories of art.
Kids love to paint and crafts crotchets everything on anything
and so do we!
Beyond the art galleries, Micheals Store has more creatives of arts. Click the sloth (center) image to go on Micheals' franchises fun art supplies.

Welcome to Galleries
CarolChang fine art tumblr is great galleries but has nothings there my own own arts' archive. Now Kougracat stuff replace many anthro entertainment The FarWay Story Land is image Link to visit the fine art Tumblr galleries.
Fun fact: The Lion has been drawing inspiring the Game of throne's Lannister Castle.
Images Galleries Links
Artists of own website show many works of some artist and my own works. The art show many people can be a good painter just like me or Van Gogh.
Fine Art
One of Weebly site shows more own different art workhouse where many artists painted at Lorton (Loudoun County). The artwork share many comments I thought about Lorton Workhouse.

Fine Art category Musem Exhibit
One of Torpedo site shows more own different art workhouse where many artists painted at Old Town, Alexandria. According to my parrot painting, the site presents a more sentimental art movement in the downtown Old town show more galleries an artworks. Please click the top parrot's link to visit the Torpedo Art factory.