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Haru Relationship with Legoshi and Louise

In highschool, Haru was probably Louis' closest friend, because he didnt have to pretend to be perfect around her... he started distancing himself from her even before she was kidnapped by the shishigumi because he knew his arranged marriage would keep them apart before too long.

I think that once Louis joined the shishigumi he had another reason not to see Haru again; because he didnt want to lose her respect if she discovered what he was doing... Louis preferred for Haru to remember him fondly.

Louis also has problems accepting that anyone could love him, and has difficulty expressing his affection for others; his family life wasnt exactly the warmest, and he has some serious issues about his self-worth. I think Louis wanted to give Haru a clean-break so that she could move on and find happiness with someone else... he was glad to learn from Juno that Legosi and Haru had made it back to the school unharmed (chapter 57), not just because it meant Haru was alive, but because he knew Legosi would be able to give her something he couldnt; true love and devotion.


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